Scales of Justice Call for Balance
By Majed El Shafie
““As a start, there needs to be greater balance and understanding. This is not an excuse for inaction, but a check on forces that seek to destroy rather than improve.””
The murder of George Floyd in Minnesota was appalling to watch. It is the opposite of what most people think when they hear the words “to serve and protect” as a motto for police. The widespread protests against anti-Black racism are a constructive force and have brought conversations to the public spotlight about the systemic racism that many of our fellow citizens face.
There will need to be sustained actions for this movement to create bigger change. It will also need the support of the majority of our society to have a meaningful effect.
The focus on police and the refrain “defund the police” means different things to different people. Police officers protect our communities and to many they are role models we encourage our kids to look up to. However we must all recognize that bad officers can be removed and bad policies can be reformed. We must bring balance to the discussion and respect that not all police are bad, but rather a form of public service to us all.
In each community, there is good and bad. We must be cautious not to be extreme and narrow in our view. Extreme feelings tend to linger and are a destructive force. While we respect and welcome peaceful protest, we also condemn rioting and those who seek to exploit this moment for their personal gain.
As a start, there needs to be greater balance and understanding. This is not an excuse for inaction, but a check on forces that seek to destroy rather than improve. While policies and reforms from leadership within our institutions, be it the police, our governments, are a welcomed start, real transformation cannot be achieved without appealing to the hearts and minds of people. OFWI supports the Black community and any minority facing injustice. We support people and the efforts to end anti-Black racism.
We support this as we continue our work speaking up for those who face religious persecution around the world. We cannot allow fear to divide us, but instead look to lift our neighbours up. There needs to be accountability and justice for George Floyd, so that we can heal and do better as a society. Looking out for each other is the only way we’ll achieve true equal opportunity.