Combatting Corruption’s Corrosive Effects
on Justice & Human Rights

Across the world, One Free World International has discovered a strong connection between corruption and the injustice that leads to persecution of religious minorities. Decisions and deals that benefit those making them, not the people or institutions they are supposed to serve.

As a voice for the voiceless, we must speak out. OFWI’s Combatting Corruption campaign is working to bring a spotlight to the world’s dark corners and advance justice for religious minorities who face persecution.

Corruption’s Corrosive Effect

Corruption is a pervasive global problem that transcends borders and affects all walks of life. It thrives when public officials misuse their power for personal gain, diverting resources away from essential public services. When governmental and international institutions are undermined by corruption, it hampers the ability of citizens to hold their leaders accountable, perpetuating a cycle of injustice.

Impact on Minorities

International corruption not only exacerbates disparities within countries but also disproportionately affects minorities. When corrupt practices between countries divert resources meant for development assistance, it often leaves marginalized communities in recipient nations without the crucial aid they need, while powerful elites benefit from illicit gains on a global scale.


Corruption corrodes the rule of law, making it difficult for regular individuals to seek justice. When institutions responsible for upholding the law are compromised, it becomes nearly impossible for individuals to seek redress for human rights violations. This impunity only emboldens perpetrators and exacerbates injustice.


As a human rights organization, we remain steadfast in our commitment to fighting corruption, advocating for transparency, and promoting the values of justice and equality. Together, we can build a world where the rights of all individuals are respected and protected.