Majed El Shafie joined OFWI’s teams in Poland and Ukraine in delivery medical and humanitarian supplies to the people of Ukraine.
Stand With Ukraine
The people of Ukraine are being brutally attacked by Russian forces. Majed El Shafie travelled from Toronto to Warsaw this week to join OFWI's teams on the ground and met Lydia. She is 7 years old and fled with her sister Nadia and mother. Their father stayed back in Ukraine to defend their country. Watch this video below to learn about their story.
One Free World International has partnered with DonorSee to raise money to provide humanitarian relief supplies to Ukrainian refugees in Poland and Moldova, and get supplies into Ukraine to support the people who are defending their country and who are unable to leave.
Please donate to support our Stand With Ukraine mission and help the people of Ukraine as they fight for their lives and country.
DonorSee Partnership
Joseph Attar is Home
Afghanistan Today
Afghanistan is back in the news with American troops pulling out of Afghanistan nearly 20 years after 9/11. The Taliban are responding with a counter-campaign to claim territory throughout the country.
OFWI’s Majed El Shafie met Waliullah Rahmani in Afghanistan years ago during an OFWI mission. They recently reconnected with Majed in Toronto and Waliullah in Kabul over Zoom to explore the situation on the ground in Afghanistan today: