Pray for Persecuted Christians Worldwide:

May our persecuted brothers and sisters in the Lord come out from the shadow of death to the shadow of life. We pray for their victory over the evil one; that they would carry the flag of the cross to the top of the highest mountains. The more they are persecuted, the more they may grow in the Lord. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

Pray for the Persecutors:

We pray that the Lord would open their eyes and hearts to “The Way, the Truth and the Life”. We pray that, through witnessing Christ in the lives of those they are persecuting, they too may come to know the Lord. We pray the Lord will change their hearts as He changed Saul to Paul. Revelations 12:11

Pray that God will use the persecuted churches to open the hearts of people to the Supreme sacrifice of Jesus for the world. We pray that the voice of the persecuted church will touch the hearts of the secular and bring them to Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:10

Pray for unity in the body of Christ:

We pray that the plight of the persecuted Christian will unify all churches to work together in harmony in the name of Jesus. Psalm 133:1

Pray for Canada and the U.S.A:

We pray that those within the Canadian and American governments would open their hearts to the violation of Christians’ rights in persecuted nations. We pray that God would strengthen the men and women of God within our governments to stand firm and be bold in their fight against world-wide persecution of Christians. Proverbs 14:34

Pray for forgiveness:

We pray that those who have experienced persecution will, through the grace of God, find the strength to FORGIVE their persecutors. We pray that the Lord will release them from the bondage of bitterness and give them victory through the power of forgiveness in Jesus’ name. Matthew 6:14

Pray for action:

We pray that everyone will feel compelled, in Jesus’ name, to take constructive ACTION. We pray that people would call their Members of Parliament, or Congress, write letters to our newspapers. We pray that the Holy Spirit would guide each one of us to make our voices heard. James 2:20