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Pakistani Christian Girl Kidnapped

Huma Younus, 14, Christian, Kidnapped in Pakistan

Huma Younus is a 14 year Christian girl from Pakistan.

She has been kidnapped, raped, forced to convert to Islam, and into a marriage by her captor. Her family has been fighting for justice and their daughter’s life, while corrupt politicians, corrupt police, and the justice system does nothing. It is a crime that breaks our hearts and hardens our resolve.

Her case was brought to our attention by our team members in Canada and Pakistan. After investigating the case, Majed spoke to her mother last week, and One Free World International is launching a campaign for justice. We have done it before when we rescued Neha, and we will do it again.

We have just begun our work. Listen to Majed El Shafie share how you can help and why we must act.

OFWI's Majed El Shafie talks about Huma’s story and our fight to ensure justice is served.

The Facts

  • Huma was kidnapped at age 14 and forced to covert to Islam and marry her captor against her will.

  • A police report has been filed but corrupt politicians and the justice system in Pakistan has does nothing.

  • Gunmen are threatening Huma’s family to drop their case or face a violent response.

  • Pakistan has a history of ignoring serious criminality against religious minorities.

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